Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Outdoor Meeting to Oare

 Our next outdoor meeting will be to Reculver on Thursday 26th October.

There may well be a movement of shorebirds, winter thrushes, and a few geese, and depending on the tide there should be a variety of waders and  we may see Dark-bellied Brant, Black Brant and possibly a harrier or Short-eared Owl.

We will be meeting at the cinema car park (past Dobbie’s), at 8:45am and will car share as far as possible so please book and say if you would like a lift or could give a lift and, of course, share fuel and parking expenses.

It’s almost an hour’s drive to the car park at Reculver Towers, and there will be a fee that can be paid with cash at the the ticket machine, or using the Ringo app. The postcode is CT6 6SU, and the W3W is approximately yawned.developed.socket.

Do wrap up, as it can blow a bit up there, depending on the weather. The walk, and return, will probably be about 3.5 miles, and it will be mostly on the flat, along the tarmacked/concreted coastal path.

Friday, 13 October 2023

October outdoor meeting

 Our next outdoor Meeting will be on Thursday October 26th. Details to come shortly.

Sunday, 1 October 2023

11th October Indoor Meeting

 Our next Indoor Meeting is on the 11th October at the Community Hall in Kennington at 7.30pm

It will be a talk by the RSPB Regional Area Manager, Alan Johnston entitled 'Saving Nature in Kent and Sussex'. There are many pressures on our wildlife and I am sure there will be much of interest.