We meet at St. Mary's Community Centre, Rylands Road, Kennington, Ashford. TN24 9LL at 7.30pm from September to November. The fee is £4.00. Talks from January will be via Zoom.
September 13th Birds on Lanzarote and Fuertaventura, by Paul Hale.
A short AGM will be held this evening.
October 11th Saving Nature in Kent and Essex by Alan Johnson RSPB regional manager for the area.
October 11th Saving Nature in Kent and Essex by Alan Johnson RSPB regional manager for the area.
November 8th What’s in a Name? by Clive Nuttman.
Meetings will be on Zoom
Meetings will be on Zoom
January 10th The Wildlife of Kruger National Park and the Cape Peninsula by Rob Wharton
February 14th Costa Rica: Cloud Forests and Coasts by Andrew Lapworth
February 14th Costa Rica: Cloud Forests and Coasts by Andrew Lapworth
March 13th The Birds of Paradise by Ray Hale
April 10th Bird Senses and Migration by Briab Nobbs
April 10th Bird Senses and Migration by Briab Nobbs
We also plan to have outdoor field meetings . Details will be sent about 2 weeks prior to the walk, with a reminder 1 week beforehand.
For more information check out the Talks Programme