Sunday, 29 January 2023

Species list from our Rye Harbour visit.

 Here is the species list from a cold but very enjoyable morning at Rye Harbour  on Thursday.

Robin, Jackdaw, Herring Gull, Feral Pigeon, Wood Pigeon, Redshank, Stonechat, Wigeon, Little Egret, Lapwing, Teal, Coot, Tufted Duck, Spoonbill,

 Carrion Crow, Pied Wagtail, Starling, Skylark, Shelduck, Cormorant, Little Grebe, Oystercatcher, Gadwall, Curlew, Magpie, Brent Goose, Shoveler,

Great  Black  Backed Gull,  Pintail,Canada Goose, Golden Plover, Avocet, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, Grey Heron, Sanderling, Blackbird.

38 in total.

Friday, 13 January 2023

Rye Harbour Field Trip.

There will be a field meeting at Rye Harbour on Thursday 26th January starting from the car park at 10.00 and finishing by 1 pm. Further details nearer the time.

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Zoom Meeting. January 11th - Developments at Dungeness RSPB by Craig Eswards

 The Zoom meeting on Wednesday January 11th will be an up date  by Craig Edwards, Reserve Manager, about what is happening at RSPB Dungeness and the proposed new hide. For details please contact