Following a short AGM, Club member and former Chairman John Bartlett will be giving his illustrated talk on his 2017 visit to Canada and Alaska: The Rockies & Alaska
The meeting starts as usual at 7.30pm; please remember to bring you own cup or mug for a tea or coffee to help save using plastic cups.
Ashford Birdwatchers Club is a small group of people with an interest in birdwatching in and around Kent. We hold indoor meetings through the winter and also arrange a variety of field meetings throughout the year. All indoor meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at the W.I. Hall, 228, Faversham Road, Kennington, Ashford, TN24 9AN, Kent at 2.30 pm. New members are very welcome. There is a £4.00 admission fee to cover the cost of the hall and speakers.